We all know by now that we should be recycling as much as possible--but are we using that principle to its full potential? As a lifelong green campaigner and environmental activist I'm passionate about recycling, and I've started this blog to talk a little more about all the little extras you can do. I'll be covering craft projects you can do with the kids, tips for starting and maintaining your own compost pile, ways to help your local recycling plant out with the way you put your rubbish in the recycling bin and tips for "upcycling" some of the things you throw away the most.
8 July 2021
When it comes to recycling most people are pretty proactive about sorting their regular rubbish into the right bins for collection night. Even businesses have taken up the mantle and to a large extent, most paper and cardboard rubbish items that can be recycled are. However, what you might not realise is that metal recycling is a very important process that is not quite understood as other forms of recycling. Before you throw any machinery or equipment from your workplace out, here are a few things you can do to ensure you recycle every piece of metal you can.
30 March 2021
While paper files might seem as though they are on the way out, in many industries they still make up a sizeable portion of all files created and stored. That is because paper provides a permanent record that is not susceptible to power outages, hacks or file corruption, and it is very easy to refer to and use for everyone interested. Because of this, document shredding is still a very important resource that all companies that use paper files should try and incorporate into their plans.
27 August 2020
In recent years, scrap metal recycling has been promoted to reduce manufacturing costs, minimise waste in landfills, and enhance resource management. Most people were already accustomed to recycling plastic and paper but didn't consider industrial scrap recycling too. Metal recycling offers both environmental and economic advantages since the scraps can be used and reused endlessly. This post will share some metal recycling benefits to help you understand everything better. Frees up space
22 January 2020
Auto wreck yards offer an excellent alternative source of auto parts to car owners. If you need Toyota second-hand parts, you can find a valuable auto part from an auto salvage yards. What then should you take along to the salvage yard to help you find the right used auto part? Read on to find out. 1. The Original Part If you have owned a truck for quite a long time, you might be confident in your knowledge of its various parts.
28 March 2019
Aluminium is one of the most successful scrap metals of all when it comes to recycling. It has been recycled for over a century, and nearly all of the metal that has ever been put to use is still being used, having been repurposed in some way. Although aluminium ore extraction does come at an environmental cost, not least because of the amount of energy it takes, this metal is one that continues to be a winner in terms of finding new uses in all sorts of industries.